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The Business Forum on-air surgery for businesses

The Business Forum is a twice weekly programme hosted by Cotswolds District Councillor, Tony Dale, who is Cabinet Member for Economy & Skills. This show will provide an on-air surgery for businesses across the Cotswolds. 

A panel of knowledgeable and informed guests will respond to questions about the recently launched £54 million CDC Recovery Investment Fund, as well as the difficult decision faced by company owners with the end of furlough and the start of the Government’s Job Support Scheme. 

Since the first broadcast in March, the Business Forum has focussed on providing information and entertainment for the individuals and families who make up our communities. Delivering local news every day, with regular updates from our County Councillor, our GP, our clergy and headteachers. 

However, we recognise that our local businesses are likely to want similar support, particularly with the transition from furlough to the Job Support Scheme. The Business Forum provides our District Councils, Chambers and Business Clubs the opportunity to inform and guide at a really local level. Explaining the help and resources that they are making available. Answering questions on air and establishing what business owners really want to know by emailing 

Author: admin